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Why Should You Have PIP (Personal Injury Protection) Coverage?

Blogs from February, 2019


PIP usually encompasses three specific areas of an injured person’s claim:

 1. Medical costs: Most policies provide a minimum of $10,000, but many offer higher coverage for a very minimal amount. Following a motor vehicle accident, transportation by ambulance and emergency room visit with diagnostics can cost up to $10,000 minimum. Whether the accident is your fault or not, you are initially responsible for your medical specials. Failure to have this coverage, could ruin your credit.

2. Wage loss: You need to determine your policy coverage. Most policies cover $40 a day up to $200 a week. Can you live on $200 a week if you are injured and cannot work? There are other coverage amounts for up to $750 a week. It is always wise to know your coverage

 3. Essential services: Essential services are provided when your doctor determines that your injuries are such that will prevent you from taking care of every-day living; such as house cleaning, lawn mowing, grocery shopping, or childcare. Again, this is done on a per day and week rate and cannot exceed that amount.
